Using opacifier to inhibit the formation of unaesthetic halo in proximal anterior restorations
Edition: 62 | Number: 2 | Year: 2020

Using opacifier to inhibit the formation of unaesthetic halo in proximal anterior restorations


Due to the morphological characteristics of the proximal teeth surfaces, these remain as areas susceptible to caries, being responsible for a high proportion of experience of this lesion. The proximal face presents favorable conditions for biofilm retention and early development of the carious lesion, progressing through enamel prisms and dentinal tubules, deeply affecting enamel and dentin. Even with the development of the mechanical and aesthetic properties of the composite resins, these restorations are considered of great aesthetics difficulty by the anatomical transition present between the incisal and cervical zones. The objective of the present manuscript is to describe a therapeutic approach to minimize the optical effects interfering with the aesthetic compromise of proximal composite resin restorations.

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Figura 1: Aspecto inicial do caso – halo escurecido na região interproximal dos dentes 11 e 21.
Figura 2: Vista isolada do arco superior.
Figura 3: Situação clínica das faces palatinas dos elementos 11 e 21.