Ultrafine ceramic veneers cemented with preheated resin: a minimally invasive approach
Edition: 76 | Number: 4 | Year: 2023

Ultrafine ceramic veneers cemented with preheated resin: a minimally invasive approach


The appropriate choice of the restorative material and bonding technique are determining factors to achieve clinical success. The complex formed by the prosthetic part, luting agent, and the tooth, must form a structure that simulates the Enamel-Dentin Junction (EDJ), in order to transfer the tension with minimal stress on the interfaces. The present article reports the case of a female patient, who presented recurrent fractures restorations in the upper central incisors, treated with ultrafine ceramic veneers, which was cemented with thermo-modified composite resin. This technique takes benefits from the specific properties of conventional composites, such as high mechanical strength and low solubility to oral fluids, to increase the longevity of the restorative treatment.

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Figura 1: Fotografia inicial do terço inferior da face, coroas clínicas curtas e restaurações classe IV de Black em ambos os incisivos centrais superiores.
Figura 2: Visão intraoral inicial, restaurações com falha adesiva e histórico de fraturas recorrentes nos elementos 11 e 21.
Figura 3: Perfil da restauração do elemento 11. Detalhe para a inclinação vestibular incorreta.