Enamel hypoplasia: Clinical case report
Edition: 62 | Number: 2 | Year: 2020

Enamel hypoplasia: Clinical case report


The present article visualizes a clinical case of enamel hypoplasia (EH), as well as its aesthetic rehabilitation. EH, although not a deformity of function, compromises the aesthetics of the smile, causes distrust in social life. The case report is from a 22-year-old female patient who sought a specific dental office with aesthetic complaints of staining and altered staining. Given the exposed characteristics, a direct restorative treatment, composite resin veneers, using an incremental dentin-enamel stratification technique was indicated. The literature selects different treatments for enamel hypoplasia, but we opted for a minimally invasive treatment, which is possible thanks to the advances in Restorative Dentistry, and also by presenting several advantages, such as use, low cost. The importance of an accurate diagnosis and an effective treatment is emphasized, which was the choice of direct composite resin facets, restoring harmony and aesthetics, achieving personal satisfaction of patients.

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Figura 1 e 2: Aspectos da arcada superior apresentando coloração acastanhada e diastemas entre os incisivos, suas queixas principais, e evidenciando o esmalte afetado, além do sobrecontorno na mesial do 21, resinas compostas antigas, com alteração de cor e forma.
Figura 1 e 2: Aspectos da arcada superior apresentando coloração acastanhada e diastemas entre os incisivos, suas queixas principais, e evidenciando o esmalte afetado, além do sobrecontorno na mesial do 21, resinas compostas antigas, com alteração de cor e forma.
Figura 3 e 4: Movimento excursivo da mandíbula representando a ineficiência da guia canina, com toque dos incisivos centrais e laterais, e ainda uma guia anterior desequilibrada.