Aesthetics in dentistry: When less is more
Edition: 63 | Number: 3 | Year: 2020

Aesthetics in dentistry: When less is more


The planning of the aesthetic transformations of the smile should be based on the minimum necessary intervention that meets the patient’s expectation. In other words, intervening in punctual teeth that are impairing the aesthetics of the smile may be more interesting than the involvement of multiple teeth with very little aesthetic compromise. Among the advantages of this individualized approach are the preservation of the intact dental structure and, above all, the unique and original features of each patient’s smile, which gives the patients a natural and authenticity. This article reports on two cases covered as described above.

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Edition 63 | Volume 16 | Number 3
Julho / Setembro | 2020
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Figura 2: Foto iniciaL do sorriso da paciente do caso 1.
Figura 1: Foto iniciaL do sorriso da paciente do caso 1.
Figura 3: Cirurgia plástica periodontal.